Radical Open Access Two days of critical discussion and debate in support of an ‘alternative’ vision for open access and scholarly communication. The aim of the conference is to explore some of the intellectually and politically exciting ways of understanding open access that are currently available internationally. A particular emphasis is placed on those that have emerged in recent years in the arts, humanities and social sciences. Coventry University 15th - 16th of June 2015
Confirmed Speakers
An Uncertain Commons
Janneke Adema
Dominique Babini
Armin Beverungen
Mercedes Bunz
Marcus Burkhardt
Joe Deville
Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Christian Fuchs
Rupert Gatti
Jonathan Gray
Gary Hall
David Harvie
John Holmwood
Sigi Jöttkandt
Eileen Joy
Chris Kelty
Sarah Kember
Andreas Kirchner
Christopher Land
Stuart Lawson
Tara McPherson
David Ottina
Nate Tkacz
Marisol Sandoval
Stevphen Shukaitis
Felix Stalder
Joanna Zylinska